تناقض داشتن ـ تناقض

tanâqoz, ~ datan


1 Law:: • contradict (~ing, ~ion) : To disprove. To prove a fact contrary to what has been asserted by a witness – HCB. logic : a : to be the contrary of b : to be contrary or opposed to; go counter to : • act in a manner contrary to • be, being inconsistent with, inconsistency : be or being mutually repugnant or contradictory; be contrary; contrariety, of the one to the other, so that both cannot stand, but the acceptance or establishment of the one implies the abrogation or abandonment of the other. • variance (Civil and criminal practice) : a discrepancy or disagreement between two instruments or two pleading allegations in the same cause , which should by law be entirely consonant. Thus, if the evidence adduced by the plaintiff does not agree with the allegations of his pleadings, it is a variance. • A disagreement between the allegations and proof in some matter which, in point of law, is essential to the charge or claim… - HCB. • disagreement • be, being at variance with (see ‘variance’ above) • conflict (more properly تعارض which see) • contrast (n, v) • antimony : a term used in logic and law to denote a real or apparent inconsistency or conflict between two authorities or propositions; (same as antimonia.) • antimonia : (also تعارض ) : In Roman law, a real or apparent contradiction or inconsistency in the laws. Conflicting laws or provisions of law; inconsistent or conflicting decisions or cases) • antithesis ● departure : a variance between a pleading and a subsequent pleading or proof – B

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